Old photos of Yasynuvata, Donetsk Oblast

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Yasynuvata, Donetsk Oblast in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1872


Population: 35 303


Yasynuvata. Machine-construction plant
Machine-construction plant
Yasynuvata. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city

Yasynuvata. Pond and highway
Pond and highway
Yasynuvata. Constructional technical college
Constructional technical college

Yasynuvata. Pond
Pond, in the background - Railway station
Yasynuvata. Railway station
Railway station

Yasynuvata. Railway station
Railway station
Yasynuvata. Railway station, 1905
Railway station, 1905

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

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