Old photos of Apostolove, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Coat of arms Apostolove

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Apostolove, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1793

History: The previous names - Voshivoye, Pokrovsky, Kosiorovo, Yezhovo

Population: 14 348


Apostolove. Distillery, 1888
Distillery, 1888
Apostolove. The Vine Factory, 1911
The Vine Factory, 1911
Apostolove. Bus station
Bus station
Apostolove. Central Street of Lenin
Central Street of Lenin
Apostolove. Crossroads of Lenin and Dzerzhinsky streets
Crossroads of Lenin and Dzerzhinsky streets
Apostolove. Lenin Street, Center, 1960
Lenin Street, Center, 1960
Apostolove. May Day demonstration, 1963
May Day demonstration, 1963
Apostolove. Railway Station, 1977
Railway Station, 1977

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

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