Old photos of Cairns, Queensland
Coat of arms Cairns

Countries of World | Cities of Australia

History of city Cairns, Queensland in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1876


Population: 147 993


Cairns. Abbott Street, circa 1892
Abbott Street, circa 1892
Cairns. Abbott Street, circa 1894
Abbott Street, circa 1894
Cairns. Abbott Street, circa 1925
Abbott Street, circa 1925
Cairns. Abbott Street
Abbott Street
Cairns. Dr EA. Koch Memorial, 1903
Dr EA. Koch Memorial, corner of Spence and Abbott Streets, 1903
Cairns. Esplanade in 1920s
Esplanade in 1920s
Cairns. Former City Council Chambers, circa 1932
Former City Council Chambers, circa 1932
Cairns. Horsedrawn cabs on wharf, circa 1912
Horsedrawn cabs on wharf, circa 1912
Cairns. Shields Street in 1931
Shields Street in 1931
Cairns. Spence Street in 1934
Spence Street in 1934
Cairns. State Goverment Building, circa 1936
State Goverment Building, circa 1936
Cairns. View from the Kuranda-Cairns Train
View from the Kuranda-Cairns Train

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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