Old photos of Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles
Coat of arms of Willemstad

Countries of World | Cities of Netherlands Antilles

History of city Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1634


Population: 58 000 people (2003), in the urban metropolitan area - 130 000


Willemstad. Brion Square
Brion Square
Willemstad. Broastreet
Willemstad. Commercial Street
Commercial Street
Willemstad. Famous Pontoon Bridge
Famous Pontoon Bridge
Willemstad. Floating Market
Floating Market
Willemstad. Floating Market
Floating Market, between 1950 and 1960
Willemstad. Orange Mill
Orange Mill
Willemstad. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city
Willemstad. Panorama of the embankment
Panorama of the embankment
Willemstad. Panorama of the embankment
Panorama of the embankment and warehouses, circa 1935
Willemstad. Panorama of town street
Panorama of town street in shopping district
Willemstad. Panorama of town street
Panorama of town street in shopping district
Willemstad. Panorama of town street
Panorama of town street
Willemstad. Promenade, 1973
Promenade, 1973
Willemstad. Punda, Fort Amsterdam
Punda, Fort Amsterdam, Protestant Church
Willemstad. Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge
Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge, 'Otrobanda' side
Willemstad. Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge
Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge, 'Punda' side
Willemstad. Queen Wilhelmina Park
Queen Wilhelmina Park, 1930
Willemstad. Sailing boats
Sailing boats in the Harbour
Willemstad. Station of the horse tram
Station of the horse tram between the towns of Scharloo and Piermaai
Willemstad. The entrance of the Bay
The entrance of the Bay, 1973
Willemstad. The photo was taken
The photo was taken from the Queen-Juliana Bridge across the Gulf of St. Anne, 1973
Willemstad. The Pontoon Bridge
The Pontoon Bridge over the Harbour
Willemstad. The Santa Ana Basilica
The Santa Ana Basilica

Countries of World | Cities of Netherlands Antilles

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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