Old photos of Donetsk, Donetsk Oblast

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Donetsk, Donetsk Oblast in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1869

History: Former names - Aleksandrovka, Yuzovka, Stalino

Population: 922 137


Donetsk. The first line, bazaar, 1887
The first line, bazaar, 1887
Donetsk. Gastronom 'Moscow'
Gastronomical shop 'Moscow', 1940. The popular name - 'First Gastronom'

Donetsk. Lenin Square
Lenin Square
Donetsk. Lenin Square
Lenin Square. While without Lenin

Donetsk. Lenin Square
Lenin Square. While without Lenin
Donetsk. Prospect Ilyich
Prospect Ilyich (then Makshosse), view from Kalinovka on the city center

Donetsk. Theater Square
Theater Square, 1952. Cinema named Shevchenko
Donetsk. Railway station
Railway station

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

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