Old photos of Buchach, Ternopil Oblast

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Buchach, Ternopil Oblast in photos

A small historical reference


The first mention: 1260


Population: 12 511


Buchach. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city, 1895
Buchach. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city, 1917

BuchachPanorama of the city.
Panorama of the city, 1917
Buchach. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city, 1940s

Buchach. Town Hall
Town Hall
Buchach. Market
Market, view from the north side

Buchach. Mickiewicz Street
Mickiewicz Street
Buchach. Railway station
Railway station

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

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