Old photos of Balakliia (Balakleya), Kharkiv Oblast
Coat of arms Balakleya

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Balakliia (Balakleya), Kharkiv Oblast in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1663


Population: 29 091


Balakleya. Pool, 1975
Pool, 1975
Balakleya. Central Bus Station, 1960s
Central Bus Station, 1960s
Balakleya. Tea house, 1960s
Tea house, 1960s
Balakleya. Panorama of the city, 1960
Panorama of the city and the dining room, 1960
Balakleya. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city
Balakleya. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city
Balakleya. Stadionnaya street
Stadionnaya street, House of Culture
Balakleya. Beet Sugar Plant
Beet Sugar Plant

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

Site created 19.03.2016. I labor for .
