Old photos of Bakhchysarai, Republic Crimea
Coat of arms Bakhchysarai

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Bakhchysarai, Republic Crimea in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1532


Population: 27 351


Bakhchysarai. Palace, harem
Bakhchsarai Palace, harem
Bakhchysarai. The Khan's Palace
The Khan's Palace
Bakhchysarai. The Khan's Palace
The Khan's Palace
Bakhchysarai. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city
Bakhchysarai. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city
Bakhchysarai. Panorama of the city, 1975
Panorama of the city, 1975
Bakhchysarai. The streets of the town
The streets of the town
Bakhchysarai. The Assumption Skit, 1890
The Assumption Skit to Male Cave of Orthodox Monastery, 1890
Bakhchysarai. Palace, circa 1890
Bakhchsarai Palace, circa 1890
Bakhchysarai. Palace, harem, circa 1890
Bakhchsarai Palace, harem, circa 1890

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

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