Old photos of Armyansk, Republic Crimea
Coat of arms Armyansk

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

History of city Armyansk, Republic Crimea in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1736

History: The former name is the Armenian Bazaar (until 1921)

Population: 21 987


Armyansk. The Movie Theater 'Titan'
The Movie Theater 'Titan'
Armyansk. Panorama of the city
Panorama of the city
Armyansk. Panorama of the city, 1960s
Panorama of the city, 1960s
Armyansk. Panorama of the city, 1960s
Panorama of the city, 1960s
Armyansk. Highway Simferopol - Kherson, between 1970 and 1980
Highway Simferopol - Kherson, between 1970 and 1980
Armyansk. Construction of the hospital, 1960s
Construction of the hospital, 1960s
Armyansk. Construction of the movie theater 'Titan', 1960s
Construction of the Movie Theater 'Titan', 1960s
Armyansk. Simferopolskaya Street, between 1970 and 1980
Simferopolskaya Street, between 1970 and 1980

Countries of World | Cities of Ukraine

Site created 19.03.2016. I labor for .
