Old photos of Jurmala
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Countries of World | Cities of Latvia

History of city Jurmala (Riga-beach, Latvian Riviera) in photos

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Short introduction:

Asari (Assern) - a former fishing village Saushi, part of the city of Jurmala and holiday village.

Bulduri (Bilderlingsgof) - part of the Riga beach and the city of Jurmala, located 20 km from Riga.

Dubulti (Dubbeln) - part of the town of Jurmala in 22 km from Riga.

Mayor (Mayorengof) - stopping point in Jurmala and holiday village.

Melluzi (Carlsbad II) - part of the city of Jurmala, a former fishing village, in the second half of the 19th century - a holiday village.

Edinburgh (Dzintari) - part of the city of Jurmala, Here, there is a concert hall "Dzintari" ("Concert Kurhaus Garden Edinburgh").

Jurmala. Asari - railroad station Assern
Asari - railroad station Assern
Jurmala. Sanatorium Assern
Sanatorium "Assern"
Jurmala. Bulduri. Kurhaus, thermal baths
Bulduri. Kurhaus, thermal baths
Jurmala. Bulduri. Forest avenue
Bulduri. Forest avenue
Jurmala. Bulduri. Bridge over the River Aa
Bulduri. Bridge over the River Aa
Jurmala. Bulduri. Bridge over the River Aa
Bulduri. Bridge over the River Aa
Jurmala. Bulduri. Hotel Bilderlingskhof
Bulduri. Hotel "Bilderlingskhof"
Jurmala. Bulduri. Stroll
Bulduri. Stroll
Jurmala. Bulduri. Sea view
Bulduri. Sea view
Jurmala. Bulduri. Railroad station
Bulduri. Railroad station
Jurmala. Dubulty (Dubbeln), sanatorium Marienbad
Dubulty (Dubbeln), sanatorium Marienbad
Jurmala. Dubulty (Dubbeln), sanatorium Marienbad
Dubulty (Dubbeln), sanatorium Marienbad
Jurmala. Dubulty (Dubbeln), sanatorium Marienbad, baths
Dubulty (Dubbeln), sanatorium Marienbad, baths
Jurmala. The railroad station Dubulty (Dubbeln)
The railroad station Dubulty (Dubbeln)
Jurmala. Panorama of Dubulty
Panorama of Dubulty
Jurmala. Edinburgh (Dzintari), kurhaus
Edinburgh (Dzintari), kurhaus
Jurmala. Edinburgh (Dzintari), beach
Edinburgh (Dzintari), beach
Jurmala. The railroad station Edinburgh (Dzintari)
The railroad station Edinburgh (Dzintari)
Jurmala. Mayor (Mayorengof), Helenen strasse
Mayor (Mayorengof), Helenen strasse
Jurmala. Mayor (Mayorengof), bathing bridge
Mayor (Mayorengof), bathing bridge
Jurmala. Mayor (Mayorengof), embankment and bathing bridge
Mayor (Mayorengof), embankment and bathing bridge
Jurmala. Mayor (Mayorengof). The sea pavilion
Mayor (Mayorengof). The sea pavilion
Jurmala. Mayor (Mayorengof). The sea pavilion
Mayor (Mayorengof). The sea pavilion
Jurmala. Mayor (Mayorengof), beach
Mayor (Mayorengof), beach

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Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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