Old photos of Daugavpils (Dünaburg, Borisogleb, Dvinsk)
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Countries of World | Cities of Latvia

History of city Daugavpils (Dünaburg, Borisogleb, Dvinsk) in photos

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A small historical reference

Daugavpils - the center of Daugavpils county, the second largest and most important city after the capital of Riga Latvia is located in the south-east of the country, on the River Daugava (Western Dvina), close to the borders of Lithuania and Belarus. Date of first written mention - 1275. In 1582 the Polish King Stefan Batory granted Dinaburg Magdeburg Law.

Attractions - Castle of the Order (XIII century, destroyed by the Swedes in 1655), Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1856-1864), the fortress (the first half of the XIX century), the church of Alexander Nevsky (built without a single nail) Gaёk water pumping station (1889) railway workshops (1866), Boris and Gleb Cathedral - the biggest Orthodox church in Latvia (1905), Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (1877), the Lutheran Church (1893), Bethesda "Kaddish" (Synagogue, 1850).

Daugavpils. Church
Daugavpils. Dam
Daugavpils. Dam
Daugavpils. Dam
Daugavpils. Dam
Daugavpils. Dam
Daugavpils. Dam
Daugavpils. Dubrovinsky garden
Dubrovinsky garden
Daugavpils. Urban boulevard
Urban boulevard
Daugavpils. Urban boulevard
Urban boulevard
Daugavpils. City club
City club
Daugavpils. State bank
State bank
Daugavpils. Catholic Lutheran Church
Catholic Lutheran Church
Daugavpils. Catholic Lutheran Church
Catholic Lutheran Church
Daugavpils. Kirch and church dedicated
Kirch and church dedicated
Daugavpils. Komendatsky garden
Komendatsky garden
Daugavpils. The complex of religious buildings
The complex of religious buildings
Daugavpils. Catholic church
Catholic church
Daugavpils. Cathedral of Castle
Cathedral of Castle
Daugavpils. Bridge over the River Dvina
Bridge over the River Dvina
Daugavpils. Bridge over the River Dvina
Bridge over the River Dvina
Daugavpils. On the bank of the river Daugava
On the bank of the river Daugava
Daugavpils. New building
New building
Daugavpils. The ferry
The ferry

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Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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