Old photos of Monaco city
Coat of arms of Monaco city

Countries of World | Cities of Monaco

History of city Monaco city in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1215


Population: 975


Monaco city. General view
General view
Monaco city. General view of the principality
General view of the principality, Cap Martin and the Italian Coast
Monaco city. General view of the principality
General view of the principality, Riviera
Monaco city. Museum of Oceanographique - Zoological
Museum of Oceanographique - Zoological
Monaco city. Palace of Prince, carabiniers of Honor Guard
Palace of Prince, carabiniers of Honor Guard
Monaco city. 'Princess Alice' - yacht of Prince, castle in background
"Princess Alice" - yacht of Prince, castle in background
Monaco city. The Castle of the Prince, 1907
The Castle of the Prince, 1907
Monaco city. View from the exotic garden
View from the exotic garden
Countries of World | Cities of Monaco

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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