Old photos of Copenhagen
Coat of arms of Copenhagen

Countries of World | Cities of Denmark

History of city Copenhagen in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation:


Population: 1 280 371


Copenhagen. Christiansted, King Street 56-57
Christiansted, King Street 56-57
Copenhagen. Christiansted, King Street 58
Christiansted, King Street 58
Copenhagen. Construction of underground railway section Boulevardbanen, 1914
Construction of underground railway section Boulevardbanen, 1914
Copenhagen. Entrance to burned palace
Entrance to burned palace
Copenhagen. Exchange hall
Exchange hall
Copenhagen. Frederiksborg Castle
Frederiksborg Castle
Copenhagen. Hafenstrasse
Copenhagen. Helsingborg
Copenhagen. Hochbrucke Square
Hochbrucke Square
Copenhagen. Horse-drawn omnibus on Stroget, circa 1900
Horse-drawn omnibus on Stroget, circa 1900
Copenhagen. King of Denmark making address to people
King of Denmark making address to people
Copenhagen. Klampenborg Hermitage
Klampenborg Hermitage
Copenhagen. Klampenborg Hermitage, with view of park
Klampenborg Hermitage, with view of park
Copenhagen. Old houses, 1907
Old houses, 1907
Copenhagen. Panorama of city, circa 1890
Panorama of city, circa 1890
Copenhagen. Port with ruins of the Christianborg Palace
Port with ruins of the Christianborg Palace
Copenhagen. Royal Theatre
Royal Theatre
Copenhagen. Saviour Church
Saviour Church
Copenhagen. The corner of Princess Street and Sofiegade, 1907
The corner of Princess Street and Sofiegade, 1907
Copenhagen. The Tivoli park
The Tivoli park
Copenhagen. The Tivoli park entrance
The Tivoli park entrance
Copenhagen. Thorwaldsen Museum
Thorwaldsen Museum
Copenhagen. Buses, Town Hall Square, 1913
Buses, Town Hall Square (RĂ„dhuspladsen), 1913
Copenhagen. Train to Copenhagen-Berlin
Train to Copenhagen-Berlin
Cities of World | Cities of Denmark

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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