Old photos of Wellington
Coat of arms Wellington

Countries of World | Cities of New Zealand

History of city Wellington in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation:


Population: 398 300


Wellington. Bank of New Zealand, 1901
Bank of New Zealand, 1901
Wellington. Carillon Tower, National War Memorial, 1932
Carillon Tower, National War Memorial, 1932
Wellington. Cuba Street
Cuba Street
Wellington. Custom House Quay
Custom House Quay
Wellington. Government Buildings, circa 1900's
Government Buildings, circa 1900's
Wellington. Government Buildings
Government Buildings
Wellington. Government House, 1905
Government House, 1905
Wellington. Government publisher office
Government Publisher Office
Wellington. Government publisher office
Government Publisher Office
Wellington. Harbour from Parliament Building
Harbour from Parliament Building
Wellington. Hotel Waterloo, Bunny Street
Hotel Waterloo, Bunny Street
Wellington. Kelburne Power Station and Tea Kiosk, 1904
Kelburne Power Station and Tea Kiosk, 1904
Wellington. Lambton Quay
Lambton Quay
Wellington. Lyall Bay
Lyall Bay
Wellington. Oriental Bay, view from Moeller Street
Oriental Bay, view from Moeller Street
Wellington. Parliament Buidlings
Parliament Buidlings
Wellington. Parliament Buildings view from Lambton Quay
Parliament Buildings view from Lambton Quay
Wellington. Queens Wharf
Queens Wharf
Wellington. Shipping, 1904
Shipping, 1904
Wellington. Te Aro Park
Te Aro Park
Wellington. The Governor's Residence, 1904
The Governor's Residence, 1904
Wellington. The Midland Hotel
The Midland Hotel on Lambton Quay (built 1917)
Wellington. Tinakori Road, 1905
Tinakori Road, 1905
Wellington. Willis Street, circa 1904
Willis Street, circa 1904

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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