Old photos of Mexico City, Mexico
Flag of Mexico City Coat of arms of Mexico City

Countries of World | Cities of Mexico

History of city Mexico City, Mexico in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: March 13, 1325 (Aztec city Tenochtitlan), August 13, 1521 (Spanish city Ciudad de México)


Population: 8 918 653


Mexico City. Banco Nacional
Banco Nacional - National Bank
Mexico City. Canal de la Viga
Canal de la Viga, circa 1890
Mexico City. Fountain
Fountain, Salto del Agua, circa 1890
Mexico City. Group of cargadores
Group of cargadores by old aqueduct, circa 1890
Mexico City. Mexican aguadores
Mexican aguadores, circa 1890
Mexico City. Panorama of National Palace
Panorama of National Palace, circa 1890
Mexico City. Panorama of National Palace
Panorama of National Palace from the Cathedral, circa 1890
Mexico City. Panorama of city
Panorama of city taken from the tower of St. Agustin
Mexico City. Sacrificial stone
Sacrificial stone, circa 1890
Mexico City. Statue of Charles IV
Statue of Charles IV
Mexico City. Statue of Cuitlahuac
Statue of Cuitlahuac (Cuauhtemoc), circa 1890
Mexico City. Street Market
Street Market, between 1880 and 1900
Mexico City. The 5th of May in the Plaza de Armas
The 5th of May in the Plaza de Armas, circa 1890
Mexico City. The Cathedral
The Cathedral, circa 1890
Mexico City. The Cathedral
The Cathedral, circa 1890
Mexico City. The Cathedral
The Cathedral, circa 1890

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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